Thursday, July 22, 2010

MY BUBBA & MI @ Metricubi

Metricubi entusiasticamente presenta:
MY BUBBA & MI in concerto.

Metricubi non è ancora andato in vacanza: il Campiello delle Erbe farà da cornice alla suggestiva esibizione delle "My Bubba and Mi", deliziose fanciulle danesi che con le loro note ci culleranno in questa serata di mezza estate.

martedì 27 luglio 2010
Aperitivo dalle 19:00.
Inizio concerto ore 20:30

Bubba moved in when My was doing the dishes in the kitchen. While emptying her boxes she heard singing from out there. The next day, she grabbed My by the arm and wished for a harmony on a lullaby she was writing – Apple spell. They sang for some months in each others’ bedrooms in the tiny Copenhagen apartment, and then Mia moved in, with her organs. That summer they had each other as pillows and pancakes, musically. Practice now took place in the kitchen, before breakfast or after midnight. None of them knew where they were going, but they ended up being invited to Italy, and just now, came back from their second visit, with a record of themselves in the backpack.
wwnbb collective:

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